(Ni,Zn)Fe2O4 Powders
Chemical Precipitation from Aqueous Solutions


I. Erkin Gonenli and A. Cuneyt TAS
Dept. of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
Middle East Technical University
Ankara 06531


Preliminary Lab-Report


     Aqueous solutions of nickel sulphate (Ni(SO4). 7H2O), zinc sulphate (Zn(SO4). 5H2O), and iron chloride (FeCl3), in appropriate volumetric amounts, were used as the starting materials in the synthesis of phase-pure (Ni, Zn)Fe2O4 powders. Precipitation of the desired powders were then achieved by the technique of acid-base  titration.

     Crystal chemical aspects of the resulting powders were studied by Rietveld Analysis, as a function of the amounts of both Ni and Zn present in the crystal structures and the heating temperature (1250 to 1500°C).

     Morphological properties and the sintering behavior of the synthesized powders were investigated by the SEM (scanning electron microscopy) studies. Qualitative chemical analysis of the samples were performed by EDXS (energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy).


Download XRD chart of Ni-Zn-ferrite powders

Download the EDXS chart of Ni-Zn-ferrite powders



A Tentative XRD Pattern for the Chemically Synthesized (Ni,Zn)Fe2O4 Powders
(Fe-K-alpha radiation, Step: 0.02°, Count: 5 sec)
Lattice Parameters: Cubic, a = 8.3535 Å, V = 582.91 Å3

                                                                          hkl      2 theta   I/Io   d (Å)

111         23.162       11     4.822
220         38.272       35     2.953
311         45.212       100   2.5183
222         47.342       8       2.4111
400         55.241       23     2.0880
331         60.683       2       1.9163
422         69.188       12     1.7050
511         74.043       30     1.6077
440         81.913       35     1.4768
531         86.560       2       1.4120
620         94.252       6       1.3209
533         98.909       9       1.2739
622         100.474     5       1.2593
444         106.810     5       1.2057
642         120.263     6       1.1163
731         125.780     15     1.0875
800         135.958     7       1.0442